Privacy Policy

Effective June 1, 2022

This policy applies to information gathered on our online platform, and is a statement to describe the ways we collect, use and store information about persons. By using this website you consent to the use and collection of information within this privacy policy. You will accept that Brainet may change or modify this privacy policy at our discretion. The purpose of this policy is to fully inform you of the types of information we gather, how we use it and how it may be disclosed.

Privacy Definition

The term "personal data" as used in this Policy refers to information such as your name, birth date, e-mail address, mailing address, telephone number or IP address that can be used to identify you. Under most circumstances Brainet will not process your personal data without your consent. However in support of any legal or criminal investigation we may be obligated to disclose personal information.

Use of Personal Data

Our webpage is primarily used as a platform to express our ideology and provide education; however some services may require registration. When you register on our webpage, you will need a username and password and to provide the requested information. If required information is not provided, we will be unable to process requests regarding products and/or services. All personal data is kept for the intended purposes of providing you with products, services, information, to bill you, or to communicate with you for other purposes. We keep your information in accordance with any applicable legal or ethical reporting and documentation storage requirements.

Non-Disclosure of Information

We will not sell, share, or distribute your personal information to third parties except as explained in this Privacy Policy. We may disclose your personal information to other Brainet affiliates worldwide that agree to treat it in accordance with this Privacy Policy. Personal data may occasionally be transferred to third parties who act for or on behalf of Brainet for further processing, such as delivery services, evaluation or technical support. These third parties have contracted with Brainet so that they will only use personal data for the agreed upon purpose and will not sell your personal information. When the disclosure of personal data to a third party occurs, we will endeavour to ensure that the processing is performed within the limits in which the data were originally collected.

Security and Confidentiality

To maintain the security and confidentiality of personal data that we collect from our webpage, we use data networks protected by standard firewalls and password protection. While handling your personal information, we take reasonable measures to protect that information from loss, unauthorized access, disclosure, alteration or destruction. While we cannot guarantee against any loss, unauthorized access, disclosure, alteration or destruction to data, we will make reasonable attempts to protect your privacy.

Access of Personal Data

You have the right to ensure that your personal data is always accurate. If you wish to contact us regarding our use of your personal data, please e-mail us at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Data Abroad

Brainet is registered in Canada. We have clients and partners which operate in different countries. If your information is being transferred to other countries we will maintain a high standard of privacy regardless of that country’s regulations, but still adhering to that country’s laws.

Anonymous Data and "Cookies"

We may collect and process anonymous information about your visit to this website. Anonymous information is used by us to help improve the contents of the site and to compile statistics about individuals using our site for Brainet market research purposes. In doing this, we may install "cookies" that collect the first level domain name of the user and the date and time of access. "Cookies" as used by us cannot be used to discover the identity of an individual user. You can set your browser to notify you when you receive a "cookie", that will enable you to decide if you want to accept it or not. We use this technology to measure the visitors' responses to our sites and the effectiveness of our content. We do not collect these tags or cookies for any personally identifiable information about our visitors, such as names, addresses, e-mail addresses or telephone numbers.

Personal Information and Children

We will not knowingly collect, use or disclose personal data from a minor under the age of 18, without obtaining prior consent from a person with parental responsibility (e.g., a parent or guardian) through direct off-line contact. We adhere to laws designed to protect children.

Links to Other Sites

This Privacy Policy applies only to this website. We may provide links to other websites, including our partners which we believe may be of interest. We cannot guarantee the privacy standards of every website to which we link or be responsible for the contents of sites other than this one, this Privacy Policy is for Brainet only.

Contact Us

If you have any queries or complaints about our Privacy Policy, or if you would like to make any recommendations to improve our Privacy Policy, please e-mail us at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Explore The Wondering Brain


  • 263 Concord Rd
    London Ontario
  • Phone: 519 859 3088
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